Concilia Achieng Orwa was born on 2nd February 1995 in Jimo-East Location, Nyakach Sub-county, Kisumu county (Kenya) being the last born in a family of eleven children, one brother and nine step brothers and sisters. She is currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension at Egerton University in Kenya, thanks to the MasterCard Foundation through RUFORUM and TAGDev program for the support. Due to the loss of parents at an early age, she persevered despite numerous challenges in life. Her dream is to revive her home which never existed due to loss of parents as well as supporting any needy person in the society. Having gained skills from the program, Concilia also, dreams of transforming her society through empowering the youth with entrepreneurial and Agricultural skills to eradicate food insecurity and provision of job opportunity hence creation of sustainably improved livelihood in Kenya and Africa at large.